Messages of propertysheet control
[PropertySheet control]


Define Documentation

#define PS_ERR   (-1)

Propsheet return value

Definition at line 93 of file propsheet.h.

#define PS_OKAY   0

Propsheet return value

Definition at line 91 of file propsheet.h.

#define PSM_ADDPAGE   0xF1D0L

Adds a page to the propsheet.

Sends this message to add a page to the propsheet.

 DLGTEMPLATE *dlg_tmpl;
 WNDPROC proc;

 wParam = (WPARAM)dlg_tmpl;
 lParam = (LPARAM)proc;
hdlg The handle of the page window to be added in the propsheet.
proc The window callback procedure of the page window. Note that the procedure should call DefaultPageProc function by default.
The index of the page added on success; PS_ERR on error.

Definition at line 292 of file propsheet.h.


Gets the index of the current active page.

Sends this message to retreive the index of the propsheet window's active page.


 wParam = 0;
 lParam = 0;
The index number of the active page.

Definition at line 167 of file propsheet.h.


Gets the handle of current active page.

Sends this message to retreive the propsheet window's active page.


 wParam = 0;
 lParam = 0;
The handle to the active page; HWND_INVALID if no such a page.

Definition at line 110 of file propsheet.h.

#define PSM_GETPAGE   0xF1C3L

Gets the handle of a page by index.

Sends this message to retreive the handle to a page by index.

 int index;

 wParam = (WPARAM)index;
 lParam = 0;
index The index of the page.
The handle to the page; HWND_INVALID if no such a page.

Definition at line 150 of file propsheet.h.


Gets the number of pages of the propsheet.

Sends this message to retreive the number of pages currently in the propsheet.


 wParam = 0;
 lParam = 0;
The number of pages in the propsheet.

Definition at line 204 of file propsheet.h.


Gets the index of a page by handle.

Sends this message to retreive the index to a page by handle.

 HWND hwnd;

 wParam = hwnd;
 lParam = 0;
hwnd The handle of the page.
The index of the page; PS_ERR if no such a page.

Definition at line 187 of file propsheet.h.

#define PSM_GETTITLE   0xF1C8L

Gets a page title.

Sends this message to retreive the title of a page.

 int index;
 char *buffer;

 wParam = (WPARAM)index;
 lParam = (LPARAM)buffer;
index The index number of the page in the propsheet.
buffer The buffer storing the title string.
PS_OKAY on success; PS_ERR if no such a page.

Definition at line 246 of file propsheet.h.


Gets the length of a page title.

Sends this message to retreive the title length of a page.

 int index;

 wParam = (WPARAM)index;
 lParam = 0;
index The index number of the page in the propsheet.
The length of the page in the propsheet; PS_ERR if no such a page.

Definition at line 224 of file propsheet.h.

#define PSM_REMOVEPAGE   0xF1D1L

Removes a page from the propsheet.

Sends this message to remove a page from the propsheet and destroys the associated controls.

 int index;

 wParam = (WPARAM)index;
 lParam = 0;
index The index number of the page to be removed from the propsheet.
If success, return PS_OKAY, otherwise PS_ERR.

Definition at line 313 of file propsheet.h.


Changes the active page by index.

Sends this message to change the propsheet window's active page.

 int page;

 wParam = (WPARAM)page;
 lParam = 0;
page Index of the page to set.
PS_OKAY on success, otherwise PS_ERR.

Definition at line 130 of file propsheet.h.

#define PSM_SETTITLE   0xF1C9L

Sets a page title.

Sends this message to specify the title of a page.

 int index;
 char *buffer;

 wParam = (WPARAM)index;
 lParam = (LPARAM)buffer;
index The index number of the page in the propsheet.
buffer The string buffer storing the title.
PS_OKAY on success; PS_ERR if no such a page.

Definition at line 268 of file propsheet.h.

#define PSM_SHEETCMD   0xF1D2L

Sends a MSG_SHEETCMD message to all pages in the propsheet.

If you send MSG_SHEETCMD message to the propsheet control, the control will broadcast the message to all pages it contains. The page callback procedure will receive the message and handle it. If one page return non-zero value, the broadcast will be broken and the message will return a value indicating which page returned error. The value will be equal to the page index plus one.

The PSM_SHEETCMD can be used by property sheet window, i.e., the container of the property pages. The sheet can create three buttons, like "Ok", "Cancel", and "Apply". When the user clicked the "Apply" or "Ok" button, it can send a PSM_SHEETCMD message to the propsheet control, the control will then send the message to all pages to notify pages to apply the changes made by the user. If there are some errors, the page can return a non-zero value to indicate an invalid chage so that the sheet can stop to close the sheet window. You can tell the pages which action should be taken by passing a value through the WPARAM parameter of the message.

 WPARAM wParam;
 LPARAM lParam;

 wParam = (WPARAM)wParam;
 lParam = (LPARAM)lParam;
wParam The WPARAM parameter of the MSG_SHEETCMD message.
lParam The LPARAM parameter of the MSG_SHEETCMD message.
The message has been broken by a page, the value will be (page_index + 1); Zero indicates no page asserts an error.

Definition at line 351 of file propsheet.h.

Generated on Thu Apr 7 15:55:34 2011 for MiniGUI V3.0.12 API Reference by  doxygen 1.6.3